Sunday, January 18, 2009

Nuthin New

Heeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy MLK Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just wanted to post a quick blog saying hey.Im watching A Cinderella Sunday.Its got 2 awesome movies that are revised & modernized versions of the fairytale.A Cinderella Story & Another Cinderella Story.I have tomorrow off of school & then on tuesday my pod is going on a field trip tom The Fernbank Meuseum.IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Were going to the Walk Through Georgia exibit then watch a documentary on volcanoes.I cant wait!!!!!!!!!Well,Ibetter get going.I just wanted to say hi.Keep blogging & commenting!!!!!!!!!!!!


aprilshore said...

HHHEEEEYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! I am glad you have Mon off 'cause I have to go to school! :(

Peggie said...

Sounds like you have a great week shaping up!!! Glad to hear from you again.....


Love ya!!!!

Big Jim said...

I just know you will enjoy the Fernbank!!!!!! I love that place!!!!!! Good to see you blogging again.

JP2E said...

Happy new year! And welcome back!! I have walked through Georgia - at least all of the Appalachian Trail in Georgia and I know you will enjoy the Fernbank version.
See ya' soon!!!!!!!!!

Katie said...

Sounds like a very exciting week!! Love ya!! :)

Sue said...

I always love your blogs. Tell us all about school and the upcoming events. Will you be at Holy Cross for South Pacific this weekend?
I will be there on saturday night.