Saturday, May 9, 2009


Hey everyone!!!!!!!!!!!! I am blogging again!!!!!!!!! Im just dropping in to say hi!!!!! I am getting ready to pick up Hannah from her friends house then this afternoon im going to Grandma and Grandpa Towheys to celebrate Uncle Bills birthday.HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! I hope everyone is well and hope to see you soon!!!!
TTYL,PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Exclamatory marks are still going strong,Uncle Jim!!!!!!!!!)


Katie said...

YAY!! Welcome back to blog-land!! Have fun at Grandmom and Grandpop's house! Give everyone a hug from us! Love ya! :)

Peggie said...

HHHHEEEEYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! Right back atcha!!!! Have a great time at the G-rents house. I know you will.....

Give everyone a big hug and a kiss from us......

Love ya!!

Bill T said...

Thanks Heather. Had fun today. Thanks.

JP2E said...

When did I mention exclamation marks???????????????????????????????????

Sue said...

I know you had fun at Grandome and Grandpop's house because you always do!
Love, Aunt Sue

CShore said...

Are you getting ready for summer break? I remember those days, I wish we still got them! Nothing beats the excitement of the end of school.