Sunday, February 8, 2009


HEY!!!I just wanted to say HHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!School starts up tomorrow & on friday night I had a belt test & will learn the results tomorrow.I am excited because on wednesday & thursday I have early release!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I also wanted to wish everyone a HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hope everyone is well!!!!!!!!!Keep on blogging & commenting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Katie said...

Glad to hear that things are going well!! Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!! Let us know the outcome of the belt test!!! :) Love ya!!

Bill T said...

What belt did you test for? Do you think you did Ok?

Big Jim said...

Good luck on the belt test. Does early release mean you get out of school early or you set the hamster free? (LOL)

Sue said...

We will anxiously await word of the best test!!!!!!

JP2E said...

Glad you have BLOGged again, and that you are keeping the (!!!!) exclamayion point companies in business as well!!!!
Keep on BLOGging, we all love hearing from you. And tell your dad to get back online as welll, please...