Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!Merry Christmas!!!!!I had one of the best christmasesm ever!!!!!!!!!!!!Here's what I got:
1:A cute jewelry box
3:Wii game:Wii Play
4:2 nintendo DS games:Tinker Bell & Nintendogs
5:4 books:Ever,The Battle of the Labyrinth,Demigods & Monsters, &The Runaway Dolls.
6:Clock Radio
7:Curious George book+Stuffed monkey
8:Cute pajamas
10:Nims Island DVD

Well I should go rest.Im a little under the weather but fear not,it is only the common cold. I think some cough medicine & some nasal spray should clear me right up in a day or two.Keep on blogging & commenting!!!!!!!


Katie said...

Sounds like a fantabulous Christmas!!! I hope you get to feeling better soon!! Love ya!! :)

Big Jim said...

You seem to have had a great Christmas. Enjoy!

CShore said...

Glad to hear you had such a great XMAS. See what being good for a year will do for you!

Peggie said...

!!W!O!W!! Sounds like you had a GREAT Christmas!!! Hope you enjoy your new WII.....I hope to get one someday too. Maybe you can play online with Aunt Deb and Jimmy.

Talk to you soon.....

Love ya!!

JP2E said...

All that AND a cold!!!
WOW, you got it ALL this Christmas!
Please take care of yourself, I have been fighting a "simple cold" for a week now and it has drained my strength. I am doing a lot better and will be healthy and ready for the BIG, BIG, BIG new years day dinner. See you then...

Sue said...

I hope you are enjoying Matilda, too, over and over again!
Luv ya